Friday 8 April 2011

Project "Nekkid"

The more I look at the bike, the less i like the bodywork with the bars. So, it is going. All of it eventually, but for now only the lowers.

This guy has done it and it looks great:

From this:

To this:

And onto this:

To see how my bike will be different, you'll have to go here for my posts:

I'll update the blog as we go though, so you'll get to see things first. For the HID, I have found these people, but the items are pricey, especially if you add tax and P+P. It looks like an OEM solution, and will fit the bill nicely, I simply need to find the same thing in the UK, not easy Nik, is it?

Feeling good about this ocnversion as nothing I am doing is irreversible, and the bike can be put back to standard at any stage.

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