Tuesday 19 July 2011

Sideburn 8 Launch Party

Free tea, and cake.




507 Kingsland Road.
The corner of Tottenam Road & Kingsland Road London, Hackney E8 4AU.

This Thursday.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Wheel bolts.

Got one side of the sussers on the MB done. Fook me the wheel nuts were tight, Dad and I had to resort to a power bar to get them off. Job done, though had to angle grind the top nut off the ball joint as it was seized on the taper and the taper was rotating in the knuckle housing. Arse.

Got it all back together, went to take the wheel off the other side and the locking wheel bolt sheared. Fuck. Now I can't remove any of the wheels. Fuck.

Any idea if the bastard cunting things can be fooking removed by a bloke down the tyre centre? Cunting thing. Not very happy about having to buy 4 replacement bolts, and not be able to remove a wheel. What is the betting the fucking thing gets a fucking puncture at the end of my road where the RAC won't even help me, then genting fooking bastard bastards.

Not fecking happy.


Thursday 30 June 2011


Picture the scene. A tiny, two room primary school on the edge of a small village on the west coast of Ireland. There was great excitement one day. There was a zoo coming to visit! Lots of happy, excited wee children running around and hardly able to keep from bursting with the sheer joy of this momentous happening.

When is the zoo here? How long until the zoo? Will there be elephants? These were all questions asked over and over again by the small group of kiddies who made up the pupil body. The three teachers answered all they could. We would have to be patient.

And after dinner time, when we had all been filed back in to our classrooms we heard the Zoo arrive.
With visions of wild animals filling our little heads we were ushered outside into the cold, biting wind of a late winters afternoon.
There parked in the playground was a fat knackers, battered Hillman Hunter with a car trailer converted into a cage sitting on two soft. bald tyres.
Inside this cage, as we all gathered around and Oohed and Aah ed were ten or so flea bitten, belligerent looking, ex-research monkeys. Who sat huddled in a pile, trying to hide under each other, looking out through the wire at us. For a few minutes both groups regarded each other..
Ten minutes later we were laughing and shouting at them. We Poked sticks through the wire at them. They never moved, just groaned lowly and wrapped their threadbare arms around each other for comfort..

Then one monkey, obviously the leader. He looked like he wanted to fuck someone up big style, moved over to the wire and put an arm out, as if to offer friendship. The child nearest him, a small girl called Monica was holding a hanky up to her nose because of the smell. She froze.

With one lightening move, the monkey grabbed the hanky out of Monica's hands and in the same moment, shoved it up his arse. All of it.
Then the little cunt swaggered around his tiny kingdom with an inch of hanky hanging out of his hoop, taunting the terrified girl.

The teachers made us go inside after most of us started to throw stones at the monkeys and the Knacker came back from the headmasters house opposite the school to see a full scale riot going on.

We should have burned the hairy freaks.
I hate monkeys.

Friday 24 June 2011


Wednesday 11 May 2011

Pink Pipe result

I called Allens Performance who let me know that Mikuni only sell the 3mm ID hose in 12" lengths. This is to stop people from using it on any old application, and to make sure most of the hose gets used on carbs, as it was intended. Even though the spec is fine for non pressured lines carrying fuel, brake fluids, coolant, air, pretty much anything not under pressure.

However, 4mm ID is available on the roll, and I scored 2 metres of it. Nice. Bloke there was REALLY helpful and if you need anything carb or EFI related, use them.


Monday 9 May 2011



Pink hose?

Need some of this, about 3 metres of it would be fine. Yes, it HAS to be this colour. Why? Because I happen to like it. ;o)

It'll replace the hosing for the rad overflow, and the drains for the fuel tank and breather. If you do locate a supplier can you please let me know?

Oh, and I've found this to replace my HSM overflow bottle:

Thursday 5 May 2011

4th May - a great day for PPRS

This mailed in to the PPRS yahoogroup by PP, my half of PPRS:


Where did the 10 years Go.

I Still can't beleive what was pulled off by us.

I will raise a Glass of beer to US. PPRS.
the Idiots the mentalists, the Psysho's and Enthusiast who thought.

yeah !!! lets give it a go.

how hard Can It be !!!

I love you all

Phat Pete

Cars I like - Pictures of the day.

There is lots of talk about fashion in cars, but way back in '05, Suzuki knew how cool a satin black finish really was. I am pleased that inspiration from it was taken and applied to the cars below, which just happen to be a couple of my favourite icons.

The 5 series is no longer with us:


The 911, is a Rauwelt car.

Sunday 1 May 2011

Following on

Purton Hulks.

These ships and barges were all beached by the canal at Purton to be allowed to fill with silt and then act as a natural defence against the Severn eroding the canal infrastructure. An amazing place.

We had eaten all of our picnic by now, but the place is so amazing the pictures kept on coming.

It got colder as the wind came up and tide came in, so just a couple more.......

A day out with my ladies - Berkeley and Purton

A few pictures from our trip out today.

Berkley Castle is occupied by the Berkley family and is a great few hours out at a working castle with masses of history and wonderful gardens:

This old cast iron gear winds up the sluice to enable the meadows to be flooded making the storming of the castle harder. I could not find the handle to open it though...

Fountain the old swimming pool, now a lily pond....

Poppy and I, crouching out of the way..

Castle and the lawn. All very English and very quiet. Lovely way to forget the work and home routines and yo actually feel quite privileged to be there in a kind of odd way.

So, we all made out way to the butterfly house which was built in the 1970's by the current owner. It was warm, moist, and full of butterflies and quail. Yum.

Saturday 30 April 2011

Brought to you by the word "Chief" and the number 100

What a feckin fantastic day we had. BBQ at my house, then bike ride, pint on the way home, pint in my local followed by curry and pints and then a long, steep walk home. Sorry Andy, it is the country bumpkins down here.....

Some pictures for you though.

I wanted to get closer the take off for the old Severn Bridge but it was not possible really, another day maybe.

Was utterly wonderful to have the chaps over though, and I'm so glad Andy decided to stay. Sad to see you ride off without me this morning. Sigh.....
